Welcome to FirstAid4Free

Welcome to my first aid site. I'm a first aid trainer and assessor. I've been teaching first aid for about 10 years now. Everyone should have some first aid knowledge for in the home and work place. Not everyone has the chance to attend a full first aid course so I'll provide some key first aid points every week.

Important Notice

The information on this site is for guidance only. The first aid procedures are those in the current edition of the First Aid Manual at the time of inclusion on the site. Attendance on a first aid course to practice these procedures is always recommended.


Epileptic seizures fall into two main categories - petit mal and grand mal.


Petit mal:
  • These are temporary absences - the casualty just seems dazed, staring into thin air and not aware of their surroundings.
Grand mal:
  • The casualty usually knows just before they will have a grand mal seizure - they just have an instinct.
  • The casualty tenses up, falls to the ground and experience convulsions.
  • Sometimes froth appears at the mouth.
  • Occasionally they may become pale if they have trouble breathing.

Petit mal:
  • The casualty will naturally recover within a few minutes.
Grand mal:
  • Protect the casualty by trying to break their fall and removing dangerous objects from around them.
  • If possible try and protect the casualty's head by padding underneath it - a towel or coat would be ideal.
  • Monitor the casualty's airway and breathing.
  • The seizure should subside within a few minutes.
  • If the casualty stops breathing be prepared to resuscitate.
  • The casualty is likely to be very tired and confused after they come out of the seizure.
  • Advise the casualty to seek medical attention afterwards.
Modern epilepsy treatment is quite effect and most epileptics have their condition under control.


In 2007, the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry together with Women's Fitness Magazine have published a Meta analysis of double blind placebo controlled trials assessing anti-depressant efficacy of Omega 3 fatty acids. It was found that Omega 3 fatty acids may have significant anti-depressant effects. Ten double blind placebo control studies involving patients with mood disorders taking Omega 3 fatty acids for at least four weeks had been included in this analysis. Unlike any kind of alternative medicine products, Omega 3 was found to be effective for depression as well as bipolar disorder. Large prospective study conducted by the Imaging Center in Philadelphia which involved 7,903 participants found that moderate intake of Omega 3 may lower the risk of stress, anxiety and depression. For different groups of participants, the risk reductions were running from 21 to 35%.

The low level of Omega 3 along with high level of Omega 6 fatty acids was found to be associated with depressive symptoms and neuroticism. This study was conducted at the Department of Psychology at Allegheny College at Midvale, PA. The study involved 116 volunteers. The low serum levels of Omega 3 fatty acids along with high levels of Omega 6 were found to be associated with greater depressive symptoms and neuroticism. The participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory and NEO Personalities Inventory – revised.

So, next time you are shopping for vitamins - take a look at High Potency Omega 3 fatty acids!

Quick Review: ProjectKnow.com

I was listening to UK broadcaster Dr Hillary Jones on Radio 4 the other day. Hillary, a General Medical Practitioner by trade, was talking about liver disease - in particular the effects of alcohol and obesity on liver function. Apparently lots of people who would consider themselves as only moderate social drinkers are at risk from cirrhosis because of the way drinking habits and alcohol strengths have increased over recent years. Quite often the effects of excess drink aren't obvious until the liver has already deteriorated by a large extend. If left unchecked the damage is irreparable. This is something that's happening to a lot of people - I remember the figure of 10% of the UK population are drinking more than the recommended amount of alcohol every week.

ProjectKnow is an essential information resource for anyone struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. They offer advice on drug rehab and alcohol rehab programs for anyone who is struggling to cope with their addiction. Together with support from your family and friends the information provided by ProjectKnow really could put you on the road to addiction recovery.

For further information check out their site.